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English translation for "ni-cr stainless steel"


Related Translations:
ni ni di:  你你的
ni dan:  丹妮
jian ni:  倪健
ni genxian:  倪根仙
ni xiance:  倪献策
raney ni:  兰尼镍
ni vivre ni mourir:  我已失去你
ni haizi:  泥孩子
cheng ni:  盛恩
Example Sentences:
1.Austenilic ni - cr stainless steel
2.It has low power and can defrost or heat in the refrigerator and expositing cabinet . both the ends of the heater adopt the imported resin glue and vulcanizate for seal ment and high ni - cr stainless steel as the case . it has good corrosive resisting performance and the insulation resistance is still more than 1000 after immersing in the water and being electrified for a long time
本加热器的特点为表面功率较小,在冰箱,展示柜中起加热化霜作用。电热管两端采用进口树脂胶及硫化橡胶封口,外壳采用高镍铬不锈钢,具有很好的耐腐蚀性能产品经长时间浸入水中通电试验,其绝缘电阻仍1000m 。
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